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China black technology! Diamond makes the world's first quantum computer

Source: our website   Release time: 2020-01-08 11:10:29   browse:519

Reference News Network reported on December 11 that Russian media said that Chinese scholars used a diamond to build the world's first quantum computer. The computer can extract the encoded information in less than one second, while the ordinary computer needs several years or even ten years to complete this work.

According to Russian satellite network on December 11, a team of researchers from the University of science and technology of China headed by Professor Du has established a new system, which can exit the architecture in a corresponding way. Compared with ordinary binary computer, this system makes it possible to carry out more calculations. Usually, the system requires a specially equipped laboratory with climate detection, but the new model can be safely stored in ordinary houses. Its quantum computation can work at ordinary room temperature with the help of a small amount of nitrogen in diamond.

According to the report, the main purpose of this work is to enable quantum computers to be used for commercial purposes. They can process huge amounts of information and solve complex problems faster than traditional computers.

Just two or three years ago, quantum computer was considered to be the distant dream of most scholars. Because of a lot of technical problems, many people think that it will take ten years to build the computer before it can be put into use.

According to the report, some systems developed on the basis of quantum machinery for special computing were first invented by some American companies, such as Lockheed Martin and Los Alamos National Laboratory.


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